Why choose peat-free substrates?
Peat excavation poses significant ecological problems. Here are the key issues associated with peat excavation:
1. Climate change:
Peat contains organic matter accumulated over thousands of years in marshes and peatlands. When extracted and exposed to air, peat oxidizes and releases CO2, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and exacerbating climate change. This also leads to the loss of essential carbon storage.
2. Loss of biodiversity:
Peatlands are unique ecosystems with rich biodiversity, supporting rare plants, animals, and microorganisms adapted to their specific conditions. Excavating peat disrupts their habitat, leading to a decline in biodiversity and endangering certain species.
3. Land subsidence:
Peat comprises water-saturated layers that become unstable when drained. Excavation causes peat to dry out and compact, resulting in land subsidence. This can lead to flooding, infrastructure damage, and loss of fertile agricultural land.
4. Water management:
Peat plays a vital role in water retention and regulation. By acting as a sponge, it holds and releases water gradually, reducing flood risks. However, peat excavation disrupts this function, causing increased water levels and drying out surrounding areas.
5. EU regulations:
To address these concerns, the European Union has implemented regulations to protect and sustainably manage peatlands. This involves promoting alternatives to peat, such as using peat substitutes in horticulture, as well as restoring degraded peatlands.
To tackle these challenges and preserve our environment, it is essential to adopt 100% peat-free substrates. By doing so, we contribute to the conservation of natural resources and the health of our planet.
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